This is a blog for the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service of Clinton County's Agriculture and Natural Resources Program. For the most part, it will cover commercial ag issues. I will include some Hort information but that will be infrequent - this blog is mainly for farmers.
If you haven't had experience with blogs previously, here are a few navigation tips. First, you may sign up to receive the blog via e-mail. Basically, if you enter your e-mail address in the box under "Follow by e-mail" and click the "submit" button, any time I post something, you'll receive it by e-mail the next day.
At the bottom of each post you'll see a few terms next to "Labels." If I post a topic and you want to see other posts on a similar topic, click that term and anything I've posted with that label will come up.
If you have any questions or comments, please e-mail me. I'm new to this blogging thing so I'll need plenty of suggestions. One thing I'm trying to do but haven't been able to yet is insert something called a "jump break" into longer posts. That way only the first paragraph or so will show up unless you click to see more. But I haven't gotten that to work yet.