Friday, August 10, 2012

August 29 Pesticide Applicator Training

The Clinton County Extension Service will be hosting a Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification Program (PARP) on Wednesday, August 29 from 1-3:30 p.m. at the Clinton County Fairgrounds, 1701 South Jackson Street in Frankfort. In addition, CCH's have been approved for Commercial Applicators.

Fred Whitford from Purdue Pesticide Programs will be giving two presentations, “Make Liquids and Dry Products Measure Up” and “Watch for Setbacks for Fertilizers.”

This program will directly follow the Farmland Rental Program that morning. The cost for the Pesticide program will be $10 for Private Applicators. There is no cost for Commercial Applicators. You should remember to bring your license with you for registration purposes.

As we're not feeding you, I don't need pre-registration if you're attending just the Pesticide program that afternoon (I do need you to register for the morning program if you're attending it). If you have any questions, please contact the Extension Office at 765-659-6380 or 296-3511. You may also e-mail me.

August 29 Farmland Rental Program

The Clinton County Extension Service will be hosting a Farmland Rental Program on Wednesday, August 29 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. at the Clinton County Fairgrounds, 1701 South Jackson Street in Frankfort.

Purdue Ag Economist Craig Dobbins will be on hand to discuss the recently released 2012 Indiana Land Values and Cash Rent Survey Results. He will consider the results of this survey, implications for rental rates in 2013 and discuss various aspects of rents such as negotiating contracts and flexible cash rents.

This looks to be a very good, useful program, particularly considering how this abnormal crop year may influence land decisions, particularly rental contracts.

A lunch, sponsored by The Farmers Bank, will be provided. Pre-registration is required if you intend to eat with us. Please register by August 22 by calling the Clinton County Extension Office at 765-659-6380 or 296-3511 or you may e-mail me at If you don't pre-register you may still attend but lunch is not guaranteed.

For additional information and a registration form you may download the program flyer from the link below:

Farmland Rental Program Flyer.

August 23 Pond Management Workshop

On Thursday, August 23 the Clinton County Extension Service and the Clinton County SWCD will be hosting a Pond Management Workshop. The program will be held at Dorsey Farms, 1880 West CR 400 N, Frankfort.

Topics and speakers will include:
  • Fish Management - Rod Edgell, IDNR Aquatic Biologist
  • Wildlife Management - Rick Pearcy, Wildlife Biologist
  • Aquatic Plant Management - Patrick Whitson, Bilogist from Aquatic Control

We would appreciate pre-registration so we have an idea how many are coming. To register please contact me at or Leah Harden from the SWCD at For additional information you may download the program flyer by clicking on the following link:

Pond Management Flyer