We'll be holding a Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification Program (PARP) on Friday, December 16, from 9:30 a.m. to Noon at the Clinton County Fairgrounds 4-H Building. Clinton County Private Applicators will receive additional information in a mailing closer to the event.
Christian Krupke from Purdue Entomology will present an Insect Control Update and Glenn Nice from Purdue Botany and Plant Pathology will provide a Weed Control Update. We'll also have a review of the bulk fertilizer and pesticide containment regulations. The cost will be $10 for private applicators. I'll request CCH's for commercial applicators and will have signup sheets for CCA's as well.
This will be part of a full day of programming. At 7:30 that day we'll host our annual Ag Outlook Breakfast, sponsored by The Farmers Bank and Regions Bank. Purdue Ag Economist Chris Hurt will be on hand to deliver the Outlook for 2012. At 1:00 p.m., following the PARP, we'll hold a Category 14 Ag Fertilizer Applicator testing program. This will be a test only session. No training. There will be no fee for either the Category 14 or Outlook breakfast though we will ask people to register in advance so we have an idea on numbers.
UPDATE: I've provided some additional information on the programs we'll be having on December 16 which you can access by clicking on this link.